Monday, June 22, 2009

I know its been like 5 months since ive updated. I thought I would start doing it more often. So, to start off im going to do a little tag that I got tagged with a while ago but never got to it.

Past, Present, and Future

20 Years ago: I was 6...almost about to turn 7. Probably swimming a lot and playing with my friends.

10 Years ago: I was 16...thinking about getting my drivers license. Hanging out with Sharon and Nicole a lot. I was working at Foodinis with Jermaine...and having A LOT of fun!

5 Years ago: I have been married for 2 years. Had a baby...Jacob was almost 2. We were on our 3rd house, living in Texas. I was 3 months pregnant with Tyler. And really missing home. This is about the time I started to get VERY homesick and ready to move back.

3 Years ago: Tyler was born and was about 18 months old. We had been going through some genetic testing with Tyler. Lots and lots of doctors and tests. This is also when we found out Jacob had autism. Started a whole new period in our life.

1 Year ago: We have finally gotten a good routine...and found some awesome therapists. We started school at LIFE academy and things seemed to be looking up for us.

Yesterday I: Went to church, taught a lesson to 4- 3 yr olds, had a fun fathers day at my parents house, and went to bed really early...and it was great!!

Today I: Have done lots of laundry, cleaned my house, packed up our clothes. Made some waffles for the kids for breakfast and will be making yummy sandwiches for lunch. I also watched Armageddon (such a great movie!!)

Tomorrow I Will: Be having a great good weather...Missing my hubby since we will be apart from each other for a few days.

In the next year: I hope to have life even better than it is now!!


Mike and Deb said...

awww how sweet! It's about dang time you update this more pictures of those adorable boys of your!

Ranee said...

Love it! Finally! :0)