Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I am so excited. Tonight is....

AMERICAN IDOL!!!! I love AI and I have been waiting for it to come back on! I especially love watching these next few weeks when they do the auditions. I like to predict who will be in the top 12 and who will win it. Tom actually predicted that Jordyn would win and he stuck with it the entire year.

Sorry I haven't updated lately. I got really sick last week. I had strep throat and a sinus infection all at the same time. It was not fun one bit! But hopefully im all better now.

Nothing has really been going on here. I am not sure if I wrote about this or not, but we got Jacob on a new medicine. It was working SO GOOD!! Everyone that works with him always tells me how great hes doing. He always got good reports home and he was so calm and just good. Well we went last week to get it refilled and come to find out, no insurance companies cover this drug!! I am so mad and frustrated. We finally found one that works really well and of course, we cant get it anymore. So we are back to working with him on trying to control his hyperactivity and his focus. I guess they have been doing some sensory work with him at therapy and its working so we may go back to doing that again here.

Oh...I just remembered something I forgot to write about. A month or so ago, we took Jacob to a psych because of his aggression. His dev. ped wanted to put him in a mental institution because one day, when he got mad at me, he told me he wanted to kill me. I told that to his DP and she told me that saying it just once is reason enough to put him in there. I told her NO I was not going to let her do that. So we agreed to go see a psych and see if there is anything they suggest. So we go, and of course Jacob has to be the best hes ever been. He looks at her when he talks and he answers all of her questions and then goes and plays with a puzzle. She told me that she did not think he had autism because he looked at her when he was talking to her and that he never regressed on anything when he was younger. She told me that ALL autistic kids regress on speech or something. I laughed about that because no 2 autistic kids are the same. There is no defining factor on what makes a child have autism. So then we get to talking about the meds that hes on and I told her that hes really calm because of it. Well she tells me that the autistic traits he has are because of his ADHD...not the other way around. I started to think about it a little bit and figured she must be right. So then we talk about his aggression. She thinks he might have anxiety. Which is what his DP thought too...so we may go on with that but im not pressing anything. So she prescribes him a drug called Rispidal. Its to help calm and not be so aggressive and anxious. When he was on it...things were great. He was not aggressive...did not hurt tyler, I didn't hear any tantrums, no pounding on walls and throwing things when he was mad. But if I missed a dose it would get really bad. I was giving him .25 mg 3 times a day. And on top of that his vyvanse for his ADHD. So last week, we went to his DP appt again and I told her everything that we talked about at this other appt. And she was beyond upset at this doctor. For one..we were giving Jacob basically 2 of the same meds and we never knew it. So he was getting the same med twice basically. and the dosage that the psych prescribed is VERY strong for a little 5 yr old boy with no meat on his bones. So now we have to go get his blood tested to make sure everything in his body is running fine. I guess the reason why he would get so violent and angry when he didn't have it was because of the withdrawal. He was already addicted to it just being on it that short of time. I haven't given it to him since and I don't think I will anymore. He is back to being on no meds right now so we have to figure out another plan to get him calm and back to focusing so that we can get him ready to go back to school next year.


Stoddard Studios said...

Man, I don't know how you do it. That is all SO crazy!

Kyla said...

you are truly amazing! and your boys are troopers. having so many doc appts and trying new meds, that is so hard on the body, especially that of a 5 year old! i know all about trying meds, my hubby has back pain, and it is no fun, especially when they get mixed signals. well, good luck! hope all goes well with the new plans!

Ranee said...

We had fun at the mall with you guys today! I just think your 2 boys are precious! I am glad we have become friends and that we can understand each other's circumstances the way we do! I tried to get into my email just now and it wonn't let me in for some reason, so I will email you some of those websites tomorrow!

Katie said...

I can't imagine having to go through all of that. I hope you can find a solution soon!

Carlie said...

you are such a strong woman- major props to you. Seriously.I look up to you. I can barely do it with two non autistic children- I honestly dont have the patience that you have and I really admire that in you. You are wonderful and you are being blessed in so many ways.