Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A few people had asked me to update them on how Jacobs school has been going so here is an update. It has been going GREAT!!! We have been so happy and so pleased at how things are. He is not being aggressive at all and has calmed down a whole lot being there. We also figured that Jacob has a sensory disorder and that may be why he is so hyper instead of him having ADHD so we are trying to work with our OT and get him into some sensory stuff and hopefully that will help. Jacob loves his new school and loves the kids that are there in with him. When he is being hyper they will do a brushing technique on him or put deep pressure on him and it usually calms him down. So ive started doing that at home too and it works wonders!! Another thing im going to start doing is the gluten free/casen free diet. I saw Jenny M. talking about it on all the shows she did and I really think I could try it. I mean the least it could do it not work...so starting on Monday we are going to start to take a little out of our diet at a time. I have pretty much a list of all the foods we can and cant eat so hopefully it should be pretty easy. We are still going to cut out all the artifitial coloring and sugars out of his diet because that does help his hyperness. So really, everything is going great and we couldnt ask for better. I am so glad we made the disison to take Jacob out of Kindergarden and put him in this hab class.
Speaking of which, here are the ladies that are THE BEST!!!! I am making a new schedule for Jacob with pictures of everything he has to do so I got pictures of his hab ladies....here are the 4 gals that make his schooling a whole lot easier.


Mike and Deb said...

Hey Tyler!!! Get a haircut you hippie!! hahahaha....

Stoddard Studios said...

That is so cool. Glad everything is working out. Yeah!

Melissa De Mers said...

Good to hear from you and see that Jake is doing so much better in his class. The teachers all look SO nice! Good job at listening to his needs and being such a WONDERFUL Mom! :o)

Love ya

Katie Peterson said...

Yeah! What great news! So what exactly is gluten? I am so happy that things are going to well!

Shelly said...

Im glad that things are going better. What is a sensory disorder? I heard that the glutten free diet works wonders-I should do it for my kids. ha ha. Thats a bummer your not coming upnext week, but hopefully you can come soon.

Megan said...

I'm so happy to hear that things are going so well! That makes me so happy for you. :)